Basecamp for life

Offering accessible and enjoyable health and wellness resources to schools, community organizations, and families.

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A note from the founder:

Hi! I’m Katie Mathews, lover of life, wife, mom of two, and the founder of Basecamp For Life. I’m so happy that you’ve shown up here and are reading this. That means you are ready to start growing in a new way. It means you have recognized a need for a different approach and new experiences in your life.

Growing up, my mom saw a need to start building what she didn’t know at the time would be my basecamp for life. I had some significant health challenges at a young age, and as a result, I needed a specific skill set: mindfulness.

I started visualization at about 2.5 years of age and was meditating by 8. Those years were challenging and uncertain for me. These tools (and many more) took me through many things, including life-saving surgery at the age of 12 and a particularly difficult pregnancy with my daughter, as the discs in my back shattered in the last trimester. I leaned heavily into the mindfulness skill sets I grew up with to support me.

Over the course of my journey, I have noticed that there is often a knowledge gap when it comes to mindfulness and how to incorporate this skill set in our own lives and our children’s lives. Most of us begin exploring mindfulness only after becoming adults when we find ourselves struggling and needing supportive tools to help us thrive.

What if we, the adults, educated ourselves and our children so that they didn’t have to wait until they are adults to realize something is missing and go searching for ways to manage and heal as grown ups? It is my mission to do just that and to impact the collective.

You are about to learn that mindfulness skills are truly contagious. When you practice mindfulness with your child and create a basecamp for them in their daily life, you’re giving them valuable tools they can rely on. As you model mindful responses and reactions, especially during calm, fun, and joyful moments, they’ll learn to draw on these skills when life gets stormy or uncertain.

Everything is about to come full circle for you and you are about to collaborate with your child and build deep connections. You will be so amazed the first time your child reminds you how to be mindful. By introducing mindfulness early, you’re setting your child up for a life of resilience and well-being. I am so glad you are trusting me to take you on this journey.

Mindfully Yours, 

Katie Mathews

Our Mission

Basecamp for Life was created to give schools, parents, educators, leaders and children the ultimate basecamp for life with tools in mindfulness to help them navigate whatever life sends their way. By supporting educators leaders and kids, we can build healthy communities and a healthier collective.

Seeing a critical gap in mindfulness tools, we recognized a need for educators, caregivers etc to bridge this gap while also continuing to educate our children.

Basecamp for Life addresses this need by offering programs, experiences, events, and classes for both adults and kids, focusing on the four pillars of mindset, movement, nutrition, and rest.

The goal is to empower educators, caregivers and organizations with the tools to bring awareness to mindfulness skillsets, promoting holistic wellness and building a foundation for healthier, more resilient communities.

Our Vision

We envision a world where everyone has access to the knowledge and tools they need to live mindfully and well. By fostering a supportive community and offering supportive wellness programs, we aim to create a future where families and organizations that support children can thrive together.

Our Goals

Our goals focus on promoting family health and wellness through accessible and enjoyable resources. We aim to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being, encourage active lifestyles, and collaborate with community organizations for impactful programs. By adopting a holistic approach, we provide long-term support, inspire wellness journeys, and empower informed decisions. Together, we build a supportive network, celebrate successes, and share stories to inspire others.

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What Our Customers Say

TJ didn't want to leave his time with Katie! He was super comfortable with her. A welcoming environment. He has a lot of feelings and he told me he loved all the activities that were unassumingly helpful about awareness. I really loved seeing his understanding of how he sees himself with snacks! So creative! 

Yvonne Casuso

I had a session with Katie as my older son (4 y/o) had some tantrums when things were out of his control. I learned that sharing mindfulness moments with kids does not need to be some big chunk of time, but we can incorporate some exercises throughout the day. I think it was a relief to me to have reassurance from Katie that kids' tantrum is just momentary and parents can handle with right mindset, skills and understanding. She also gave me an advice on bedtime routine and co-partnering with my husband, which was so helpful. After the session, my husband started doing bedtime routine with our sons, and now they both enjoy the routine with their dad, which is also another huge relief for me!!! I am so happy that I had a chance to talk with Katie who gave me such an valuable advice on mindfulness and basic parenting guide. Thank you Katie!!

Shoko Nakamura

My son loved it and keeps talking he wants to go back two weeks after the class. Katie is very engaging, has great ideas and makes it fun for all kids, regardless of age differences. Very professional too. She makes sure she has all the important information about the child’s health record, allergies etc (including snack preferences). upfront. Will definitely sign up for more of her classes in the future.

Magdalena Erskine

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Join Our Wellness Program Today

Discover how mindfulness supports wellness for families and kids to lead healthier, happier lives. Through our holistic approach to wellness using movement, nutrition, mindset and rest, we help families develop the skillsets used to create the basecamp for life
